DeFalco Genealogy

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Still more documents...

Picked up more documents at Sandy's house and am frantically scanning as much as I can. It is going to take a while to sort through all of these photos and documents so that I can get them online.

Jim sent several emails and over 100 photos of his trip to Sicily. I will provide a link to the photos on the site.

I am debating between late April/early May and mid-May for the dinner. I think there is enough to do and discuss at this point to pull a genealogy dinner together. More to come...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Scanning and posting

Been busy scanning documents....these should be posted to the site shortly. I hope to get through all of the documents that Sandy has by the end of the summer or so....wishful thinking -- there are a TON of documents and photos to scan!

Jim is in Italy and is planning to visit some of the towns that have some genealogical relevance in Sicily. Hopefully we will find something interesting...if not, at least we should get some good photos!